What are you saying to yourself everyday? Over and over?
I know! I do this everyday as well. My most common words are “sorry” or “I cannot do this” or
‘I’m not good at that “. Not to mention what it comes to my mind when I look at myself in the
If I really think about it I would never say or talk like that to my best friend.
We need to ask ourselves – if we are as positive to ourselves as we were to our best friend?
It is easy to feel good about yourself when you are having a good day we might even feel proud of
how unique we are.
But not everyday is like that. Most day we go through a mix of high and low feelings. Then when we feel low our negative self -talk get louder and louder to the point that we are getting more judgmental towards ourself and our self-esteem is going down.
The words we repeat over and over again have a direct impact on our external world if you believe you can or you can’t is true for you, if we want our external world to change then we
need to begin to look at our internal world.
No point in being judgmental – You are who you are, accept yourself as you are but as you
would for your best friend when you noticed some behavior where there was room for improvement, … be nice and give friendly advice.
Be nice doesn’t mean letting ourselves off the hook, rather we support ourselves when we have made a mistake, we develop the self acceptance that makes it possible to lean in to the behavior for insight and clarity about what we can do better next time.
Change your thoughts and your world will change.
The Power of the mind is incredible more than what we often perceive it to be.
We all have the ability to create or destroy
What do you choose ?
Just 3 little tips to help your positive self talk:
- Stop using negative words
- See the negative and look for the positive
- Don’t mind what other people think about you